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Dive into 33 of the best ....and worst jokes about water and swimming!

Updated: Oct 19, 2022

Knock Knock

Who's there? Ice cream Ice cream who? Ice scream if you throw me into cold water!

Whale, hello there!

Like swimming, laughing is good for us, here are some funny water / swim-related jokes that are 'shore' to help us do just that.

Some of the best and worse 'dad' jokes about water.

1. Why can elephants swim whenever they want?

They always have their trunks!

2. What word looks the same backwards and upside down?


3. What did the sea say to the sand?

Nothing, it just waved.

4. Who cleans the floor of the ocean?

A mer-maid.

5. What did the beach say to the wave?

Long tide, no sea.

6. Where do fish keep their money?

In river banks.

7. What did the sea say to the river?

You can run, but you can't tide.

8. A fish swims into a wall

- Dam!

9. Why are some fish at the bottom of the ocean?

Because they dropped out of


10. What kind of stroke can you use on toast?


11. When does it rain money? When there's change in the weather.

12. What runs but never walks?


13. Why is the ocean always on time?

She likes to stay current.

14. I just heard a joke about a waterfall.

It was a pour joke.

15. Did you hear about the ocean and the sea having a baby?

It was a buoy!

16. What did one stream say to the other?

Let's meet around the bend.

17. How do you make a water bed more bouncy?

Use spring water.

18. Have you heard about the three holes in the ground?

Well, well, well...

19. How do oceans say goodbye?

They wave at each other.

20. Which are the strongest creatures in the ocean?


21. What did Cinderella wear on her feet when she went swimming?

Glass Flippers.

22. How do you make an octopus laugh?

With TEN-tickles!

23. What kind of hair do oceans have?


24. What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches?

A nervous wreck!

25. Who carries out operations in a river?

A sturgeon.

26. Where do fish sleep?

On the sea bed!

27. Why did the fish blush?

Because it saw the oceans bottom!

28. What is the worst thing about sea sickness?

It comes in waves!

29. Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?

Because they spend years at C!

30. Why did the crab never share?

Because he’s shellfish!

31. How do fish get to school?

By octobus!

32. Knock knock Who's there? Water Water who? Water you waiting for, open the door! 33. Knock knock Who's there? Fish Fish who? Bless you.

last but not least, my son's favourite sea joke -

Why is the ocean wet?

Because the sea weed

I hope these have put a smile on your face as big as the smile you get when you step into cold water.

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